Monday, February 25, 2008

just checking in.........

I know that I have not blogged in a while, and to that I say.... TOUGH! Life has been insane lately, between working my day job (Yay DJS), and working my night job (yay drivers ed???) and trying to find a new roommate (yay me!) I just have not had time. I have not even really had any time to craft lately, which is leaving me a little less sane than usual. No comments from the peanut gallery (yes, Mrs. Druyan, that means YOU!) So I am heading to bed now, cause I am exhausted, but I thought I would leave you with a pic of what started as a scrap blanket, and now covers my full size bed!!!!!! It is really cool though, because I have yarns that I have used to make baby blankets, and some of the yarn I inherited from my Ima, and some of the yarn from the projects that I have done recently. Anyway, bottom line is I am coming to the end of this thing, and have to figure out a way to back it on one side with fleece or flannel so that my toes do not poke through the holes. Let me know what you all think!


Carlye said...

That blanket is absolutely beautiful! I hope to some day learn to crochet like that - I'm just a beginner! Thanks for the comment and I will definitely check out that website. I love the pink camo too, I bought out the stock at the yarn store of pink camo!

Miriam the Mommy said...

Thank you VERY much! Before I wall-ed you on Facebook I TRIED to comment here, and the durn thing just wouldn't load! So there! How about a little dan lechaf zchus?


The blanket is really SO impressive - I don't believe you had the patience to work on one thing for so long! Go you! And I'm glad you're happily busy making money to make aliyah. :)

BTW, if you want a new forum for selling your stuff, is going to be the fundraising portal for Zir Chemed (I named the site!) and my friend whose idea this is asked me if I know any people who make gift-y stuff and want to sell it through them (I would assume the org would then get a cut or something). Interested?

aglass5 said...

I love the blanket! Looks comfy!