Monday, October 01, 2007

Moed Post

I have not blogged in a while, and that is mostly cause I have nothing to say. I have some mildly good news, so I have decided to post it here rather than calling each and every one of you. So here it is, my contract with the Maryland State Government was extended for another 3 months. This is great for me, because I really like what I am doing. In fact, I am going to go back to doing it now. Have a great rest of Chol Hamoed, and a great Yom Tov, and next week, I get to work a full week, and am WAAAAAY beyond excited about that.
F OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Miriam the Mommy said...

Yay!! So happy for you!! May it be the beginning of many happy new things that this year brings!

Employment... financial security... cute men (or just one, we're not picky)...

Faye said...

Amen! Although at 31 I am not sure "cute" is a requirement. Employed and Kovea Itim are tho. Enjoy the rest of Yom Tov.

the traveler said...


mazel tov
thats great news. teaching the next generation how to drive on sidewalks...

cutes important. special and caring is more important...