Saturday, January 14, 2006


Ok hope everyone had a nice Shabbos. Or Friday night, whatever. Off the bat, Friday it was like 55 degrees, and now it is FREEZING! DUDE!!!!!! and the wind!!! Oh my! Ok got that off my chest. Now I would like this damn cold to go away. Again I say it is not fair, I was sick last week. Oh well........ I babysat for MM tonite. Check him and his cute self out there on the left. The rest of the H kids were shluf, but technically, I was babysitting for them too. He is getting so big, K"EH. I can't get over how quickly they grow at this age. I am exhausted so I am going to go shluffie myself, just wanted to wish everyone a Shavua Tov (good week) I fail to see that the "red eye reduction" feature on my camera is working, cause trust me the kid has blue eyes!
F OUT!!!!!!

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